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What's on the program

Pathway through Arthritis helps participants improve the self-management of arthritis and reduce the impact of pain on daily life. Individuals are led through 22-sessions comprising of pre-recorded videos, assessments, exercises and assignments to practise in their own time.

The objective of the program is for participants to improve their health questionnaire scores for Anxiety (GAD-7), Depression (PHQ-9) and Musculoskeletal Health (MSK-HQ). This is achieved through the practice of arthritis self-management, pain relief methods, stretching exercises, lifestyle changes and cognitive approaches learnt throughout the program. 

It's recommended that participants aim to complete the program in a month, but it can be followed at any pace, taking breaks when needed.

By the end, participants will have gained knowledge and practical skills to foster over the long-term and see ways and means to live a normal life again.


Participants meet the experts who will be guiding them and complete assessments about their health and how arthritis is affecting different areas of their lives.

MINDFULNESS and meditation

Individuals explore and practice relaxation and meditation methods to better manage pain. Learn about the relationship between tension and pain and improve their approach to pain recovery activities such as sleep.

Psychological Tools

Participants re-examine their thoughts about pain and feelings of disability and the situations they occur in, exploring ways to challenge and change unhelpful thinking about arthritis. 

Stretching Programme

A stretching program is introduced that helps participants improve mobility and appreciate the multiple benefits of physical exercise as a way to improve body condition. 

Measuring and Assessing 

An individuals initial pain assessment also enables them to measure progress, see what is most effective and find the approach to pain management that works best. An optional confidential journal helps them to keep a private record of their struggles and achievements with self-management.


Continued access to the program library containing resources including The Home Stretching Programme and the Passive Relaxation Exercise.

The Training Team

A multi-disciplinary expert team present the program on video, providing tips and practical advice to keep participants feeling supported and motivated. 

Teamwork Illustration

  • Rheumatologist
  • Physiotherapist
  • General Practitioner
  • Mindfulness Specialist
  • Expert Patient - Osteoarthritis
  • Expert Patient - Rheumatoid arthritis

Flexible, accessible and on-demand

App display image

Participation by referral only

Pathway through Arthritis is only available to individuals via our licensed partners. We do not offer self-pay or other self-enrolment options. Our growing network of partners include healthcare services, workplaces, social enterprises, and other organisations who license our treatment programs for individuals in their catchment area or population.